Race and Ethnicity


Writing about race and ethnicity is not a very uncomfortable topic. I am afraid of saying the wrong thing because in today’s society, does anyone know what the right thing to say is? Throughout the years we have seen racism in movies, TV shows, advertisements and other things as well. Is this right? Do we think twice when we see it?

People today might say that everyone is equal and don’t think twice about talking, seeing, and sometimes dating other races or ethnicity  But then there are other people, people who think totally different about other races. These types of people mostly discriminate, which is completely wrong.  Yes, people are different but who said different is a bad thing? People are different in their own and honestly that’s what I like our society. We are individuals and creatively unique. People have their styles and ways of living which is amazing.

I think that we should accept the people around because they are truly not much different from we are. If you really think about it, what’s different? We share the same qualities of life-like education, wealth, employment, like or dislikes and so on. So to me it’s ridiculous the way some people think. I believe that we, as a nation, need to find ways to improve the percent of people who think in such aggressive ways.

In today’s society, well in the United States, we all mixed together. We see it everyday. There is probably not one family in the USA that is completely one race or ethnicity. We see it on TV, music videos. advertisements  and in public. I just don’t get why people are still stuck on only one race of ethnicity is the only one. Yes you are allowed to have your own opinions but when you live in a would or country where we are mixed around, you should see the acceptance.

Even in schools we see the mixture of everyone. No one is the same. Children in today’s world are getting expose to different races and some people are trying not to say anything to their kids. I think that we should explain to our kids that we live in a country of all differences races and ethnicity and that is was makes the United States what it is. Like i said, everyone has their right to think what they want on every race so please don’t think i am writing facts!

2 thoughts on “Race and Ethnicity

  1. Your viewpoints are similarly in line with mine, Allie. The fact that there are all kinds of different people in America and the world over is a great thing. And I agree, while we are different in the way we look, act, how we grew up and where we came from, inside we are more alike then we realize.

  2. I agree. Underneath all of our skin is bones and those do not have color to them at all. The one thing everybody on this planet shares is that we are all experiencing life together but subjectively, as Bill Hicks would say. The people who choose not to learn about diversity and respect the difference that we all have are the same people who will always end up on the sadder side of life. Those people don’t know how to be truly happy with themselves.

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