Childhood memories and my identity!


Looking back at my childhood, I would like to thank my parents for giving me the best childhood I could ask for. For me just becoming an adult, being a little kid feels like yesterday. I remember not waking up for school every morning and just staying home with my mom while my dad was at work and my older sister was at school. I remember going to the beach pretty much every day it was nice out because of how close we were to it! Living in Rhode Island, where I was born, was just a little part of my childhood.  Even though i was very young when i lived there I still remember some things about it from the stories I’ve heard and the vacations I’ve taken. The beach there was just so beautiful; clear waters, white sand, and the bright sun!

Then I remember moving. Moving to where I live now. In the same house, on the same street, in the same city! This is where the rest of my childhood memories, family, and values came around. Just around 2 years after I moved, my baby sister came into our family. We were now a family of 5 and it hasn’t changed since then. Even though we have pets, we are still a family with a mom, dad, and 3 girls. My family has always been very close. We have always done family oriented vacations and holidays. Our family is much spread our throughout the states and we are the only ones in Ohio because of my dad’s work. Meaning out holidays were spent traveling to see family or just staying home with the five of us. This goes for our vacations as well.

The beach and moving were not my only chunks of childhood memories. Another part of me was spent at a speech pathologist’s office. Her name was Suzie and I remember spending most of my days in her office learning new way to practice and fix my speech impediment. I was born with this impediment that kept me from talking until I was about two and a half years old. I actually started talking when my doctor told my mom I needed my tonsils out. It was a miracle my mom has always said. Knowing that she completely fixed me and changed my life, she is my hero. Everything came together when my family could completely understand me and my voice was clear.

Where I am in my life, I am pretty sure I know my identity. I am just a 19 year old college student, who is getting herself ready for the big world by furthering my education and working. I’m learning every day, time management, responsibility and other useful things I will need in the future. I have created my identity through the memories of my childhood and the family time that was spent. I am now in college with a major of speech pathology. I would like to help kids who had the same problems like me! I want to be someone’s hero like Suzie was a hero to me.

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